02 – Maxi Wedding

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[ozy_vc_callboxwrapper][ozy_vc_expandablecallbox image_large=»379″ title=»Antique Weddings»]

Lilac And Grey Theme

As newlyweds walk down the aisle of history with Sicily as your very own tapestry. This theme like all gems is a unique experience to treasure. Stand in the Valley of Temples or by a Greek Theatre, choose the narrow streets of a medieval town to be your weeding walk. With Antique Gems the wonders of Sicily are yours to hold on your wonderful occasion.[/ozy_vc_expandablecallbox][ozy_vc_expandablecallbox image_large=»986″ title=»Vintage Weddings»]

̶  Amazing

Vintage Weddings – Inspiration for a rustic vintage wedding can be found in a number of places including all of these real vintage style weddings. Made popular a few years ago by what was called an anthropologie style wedding, vintage rustic weddings now have become common place in the world of wedding styles.[/ozy_vc_expandablecallbox][ozy_vc_expandablecallbox image_large=»717″ title=»Rustic Weddings»]

̶  Elegance

Make your nuptials in the heart of the Sicilian countryside with our Rustic Elegance Wedding. Bring friends and family together in a choice of castles, farmhouses or vineyards. Let a mesh of nature and old world towns play backdrop to the occasion, and together dine in the elegance of a Sicilian vista.[/ozy_vc_expandablecallbox][ozy_vc_expandablecallbox image_large=»985″ title=»Beach Weddings»]

̶  Breeze

Imagine the call of the Mediterranean surf beneath the brightest of skies, a ceremony by golden sand, slowly unfolding to the glow of the setting sun. With our Sea Breeze theme your special day can bask in the beauty of Sicily, and let vows be shared in a relaxing atmosphere, on the cusp of a stunning coastline.[/ozy_vc_expandablecallbox][ozy_vc_expandablecallbox image_large=»747″ title=»Luxury Weddings»]

̶  Lavish

Our Lavish Soiree themed wedding is for those who want an experience beyond the ordinary. For your ceremony and reception we bring the extravagance of your dreams to you and your loved ones. Come together on an exclusive island or take to the Mediterranean in a yacht; your request is ours to meet. With our soiree lavishly welcome the next chapter of your lives.[/ozy_vc_expandablecallbox][/ozy_vc_callboxwrapper]

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We’ve Got You Covered

From DIY invitations to wedding updos, we’re here to help you pull it all together

[ozy_vc_service_box title=»Wedding MakeUp» excerpt=»Prices and Rates for Wedding Bridal Makeup Hair Services.» link=»url:http%3A%2F%2Fwedding-planner.freevision.me%2Fservices%2Fwedding-makeup%2F|||» bg_image=»509″][ozy_vc_service_box title=»Transportation» excerpt=»Sedans, Limousines, SUV Limos, Limo Buses, Party Buses…» link=»url:http%3A%2F%2Fwedding-planner.freevision.me%2Fservices%2Ftransportation%2F|||» bg_image=»550″]
[ozy_vc_service_box title=»Themed Weddings» excerpt=»From Traditional to modern, elegant to relaxed, our focus is on the exquisite execution of any event we plan.» link=»url:http%3A%2F%2Fwedding-planner.freevision.me%2Fabout%2Fabout-team%2F|||» bg_image=»832″ box_size=»tall»]
[ozy_vc_service_box title=»Decoration» excerpt=»Browse Our Collection of Decorations & Accessories.» link=»url:http%3A%2F%2Fwedding-planner.freevision.me%2Fservices%2Fdecoration%2F|||» bg_image=»538″][ozy_vc_service_box title=»Wedding Catering» excerpt=»We Can Create an Event Special to Meet Your Exact Needs.» link=»url:http%3A%2F%2Fwedding-planner.freevision.me%2Fservices%2Fcatering%2F|||» bg_image=»592″]
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